Standards im Training: Die Borg-Skala (RPE)

Standards in Training: The Borg Scale (RPE)

Standards in training

The Borg Scale (RPE)

Almost all athletes who train ambitiously nowadays train according to parameters such as heart rate, power (watts) or pace (speed) and thus generate valuable data for evaluating training and competition performance.

What is often forgotten, and sometimes even lost, is one's own body awareness. On the one hand, it gives you confidence if the technology fails, and on the other hand, and this is often even more important, it helps you to be able to evaluate the collected data in the first place. With the Borg scale, athletes have an important tool at hand to evaluate their subjective feeling of exertion on a simple numerical scale and thus give their coach and themselves important feedback on training and competition.

The Borg scale (RPE) evaluates the subjective feeling of effort of a performance. In the modern online tools for training data management (TrainingPeaks, TodaysPlan, etc.) the latest Borg scale with values from 1-10 is used, which is why this scale will be presented here.

Modified Borg Scale

1Very easy
4Sort of hard
7Really hard
9Really, really hard

If you start using the Borg scale, you can look at it again after each workout and evaluate the completed session as a whole or even parts of it (useful for intervals) for yourself based on the perceived effort.

Advantages of the Borg scale 

What makes the Borg scale so valuable is that the perception of effort as such does not change in adulthood, which is not true for values such as heart rate or Vo2max.  That is, a performance that a 25-year-old evaluates with an 8, for example, is felt to be the same effort that a 60-year-old also evaluates with an 8. Even if objective data, such as power output, are completely different. 

The scale is easy to use. Anyone who has seen it once can understand and use it. It is therefore very well accepted and, due to its simplicity, has a high validity at the same time. 

For practical purposes, this is of great benefit, as the Borg scale can be used to reveal performance gains (e.g. when the same performance repeatedly feels easier than in previous sessions), to visualize negative changes such as overtraining, beginning infections and the similar at an early stage (e.g. when the same performance feels harder), to ask about exhaustion, and to control races and intervals.

"Making feelings visible and talking about them helps to recognize potentials and to develop them purposefully. The Borg scale is an essential tool for this."


The regular documentation and evaluation of all training sessions and races with the help of the Borg scale is therefore a crucial tool to make the training efficient, to be able to make optimizations at an early stage and to be able to react variably to changing race situations.

It's best to start using the Borg scale today.


  1. Borg G.: Brog‘s perceived exertion and pain scales. Human Kinetics, Champaign II., 1998
  2. Borg G Anstrengungsempfinden und körperliche Aktivität. Deutsch. Ärzteblatt 101 (2004) A1016-1021

Standards in Training: The Borg Scale (RPE)

The Überbiker Blog – Challenge Daytona

The Überbiker Blog – Challenge Daytona

The Überbiker Blog – Challenge Daytona

Hier ist er nun, mein erster richtiger Beitrag auf dem Überbiker Blog und eigentlich wollte ich mit ein paar Basics der Trainingslehre anfangen, damit ihr 2021 euren schnellsten Radsplit hinlegen könnt, den ihr je gefahren seid und danach im Ziel vor Freude nur so strahlt.

But now, 4 weeks after Challenge Daytona, I’m still talking to so many of you about this race that I can’t help but write about it. What an awesome race that was!

Lange hat mich kein Rennen mehr so gefesselt. Klar fehlte Kona dieses Jahr und das Flair dort ist schwer zu überbieten. Aber dieses Rennen in Daytona, dieses Kämpfen am absoluten Limit, das war die Essenz von unserem Sport. Das war Adrenalin. Das war Gänsehaut. Das war für mich der Grund warum ich Triathlon mache.

Ich werde oft gefragt, wie ich das Rennen einschätze, warum es so viele Ausfälle mit Krämpfen gab und wie die hohe Leistungsdichte in dem Rennen zu erklären ist. Ich mag euch teilhaben lassen an meinen Gedanken und überlegen, was man aus dem Rennen lernen kann. Egal ob Agegrouper oder Profi, man kann immer etwas lernen, und lernen macht erfolgreich. Also lasst uns eintauchen in einen überraschend spannenden Radsplit.

Ich habe nicht vor, noch einen von diesen massenhaft auftauchenden Berichten über Wattwerte zu schreiben. Ja, die 4,8 Watt/kg über die ganze Strecke ist ganz schön beeindruckend von Gusatv Iden. Da ziehe ich auch meinen Hut. Aber lernen kann man für sich selber daraus erstmal nix. Außer vielleicht der Erkenntnis, dass die Jungs und Mädels wohl ein Stückchen fitter sind als die meisten von uns. Also lasst uns schauen, was wir aus diesem Rennen für unsere nächsten Rennen mitnehmen können.

The Course

Etwas, das mich am meisten, selbst bei Profitriathleten überrascht ist, dass diese oft mit einer erschreckend schlechten Streckenkenntnis an den Start gehen. Das gleiche gilt auch für Agegrouper, die sich etwas vorgenommen haben. Wenn ich mit Profis an der Strecke bin, halte ich es immer wie die Radprofis. Die Strecke wird genauesten erkundet und die Athleten werden gebrieft. Ich muss alles wissen: Wie ist der Asphalt? Wo sind Abfahrten, Kurven, wo sind Schlaglöcher oder Scherben und wo muss ich meine Linie anders wählen? Selbst kleine Vorteile muss ich mitnehmen, z.B. muss ich darauf achten, dass ich dort fahre wo der Asphalt durch die Autoreifen etwas abgefahrener ist, da dort der Rollwiderstand geringer ist und weniger Schmutz das Risiko eines Defektes bringt. Nun, all diese Infos waren auf dem Speedway durch die dort absolvierten Trainings der Profis diesmal für alle vorhanden und aufgrund der Strecke lange nicht so relevant wie auf anderen Strecken. Nizza oder Hawai‘i benötigen da sicher eine ganz andere Vorbereitung. Und doch gibt die Strecke die Trainingsinhalte in den Monaten vor dem Rennen exakt vor und das aus folgenden Gründen:

The difficulties at Daytona certainly lie more in the high level of focus that this course demands, the absolute focus on aerodynamics and the fact that the tarmac also radiates heat and the temperatures can thus become a relevant factor. That may sound abstract at first, so what exactly do I mean by focus, aerodynamics and temperatures?

“Something that surprises me the most, even among professional triathletes, is that they often start with a shockingly poor knowledge of the course. “


Chris Decker

Ability to focus

There are various aspects to consider here, as it was already to be expected in advance that this race would be raced extremely hard. Due to the fast course, Challenge Daytona is exactly a mixture of Olympic and middle distance and therefore the short distance athletes should set the tone there, especially after the swim. 

Power zones

Es wird also in einem Leistungsbereich gefahren werden, der nicht weit weg ist von der anaeroben Schwelle (zu dem Thema „Schwelle“ oder Trainingszonen wird sicher auch noch ein Blog kommen). Dieser Bereich ist aber extrem gefährlich, da Stoffwechselprozesse ab diesem Punkt nicht mehr dauerhaft auf diesem hohen Niveau aufrechterhalten werden können. Das bedeutet, ich darf nicht zu schnell fahren und muss mich auf meinen Poweroutput konzentrieren. Für Profis und ambitionierte Agegrouper auf der Strecke bedeutet das, dass vorher die vorgegebene Wattzahl anhand der Renndauer und der bei dieser Leistung möglichen Kohlehydrataufnahme kalkuliert wird. Ziel muss es sein, mit für den anschließenden Lauf ausreichend gefüllten Kohlehydratspeichern in T2 anzukommen. Nun wird auf dieser einfachen Strecke ein Wattwert bzw. eine enge Range als Zielvorgabe vorgegeben und das Ziel ist diese, praktisch wie im ERG-Mode auf der Rolle abzufahren. Ausnahmen gibt es für Überholmanöver, denn hier muss ich kurzfristig die Leistung erhöhen und taktische Belange, wo ich z.B. in der Gruppe auf einer Position fahre um Energie zu sparen und keine Führungsarbeit machen will. Warum das so relevant ist, erkläre ich gleich im Bereich Aerodynamik. Übrigens ist das wirklich sehr einfach auf dieser Strecke, wohingegen die grandiose 70.3 WM Strecke von Nizza da mit ihren vielen Anstiegen, vielen Kurven, Abfahrten und wechselnden Winden ganz andere Vorgaben benötigt.

Wer jetzt sagt, das ist doch dann nicht mehr schwer, der denkt am besten Mal an Alistair Brownlee. Ich behaupte er hat das Rennen verloren, weil er auf dem Rad diese Aufgabe entweder nicht konsequent umgesetzt hat oder im Vorfeld nicht genau definiert hat.

Choosing the perfect line 

Zusätzlich verlangt die monotone Strecke eine enorme Konzentrationsfähigkeit für die Ideallinie. Auch im späten Verlauf des Radsplits muss diese noch getroffen werden. Ich darf nicht nach innen in die Pylone abweichen, da ich sonst einen Sturz riskiere, ich darf aber auch nicht zu weit außen fahren, da ich sonst zu viel Strecke fahre und damit Zeit verschenke. Um das mal an einem Bild deutlich zu machen, das jeder kennt: Wenn ich auf einer 400m Leichtathletik-Bahn fahre, dann ist die innerste Bahn 7,037m kürzer als die zweitinnerste Bahn. Dabei liegt nur 1,22m Bahnbreite dazwischen. Das sind 1,75%. Im Spitzensport unterscheiden schon geringere Werte über Sieg oder Niederlage.


Last but not least, I have to concentrate on my nutrition strategy so that the previously calculated carbohydrates can actually be consumed. So I have to provide nutrition in a defined rythm and also keep it consequently.

This also sounds easy, but here, too, a top finish was given away. The aesthetically most impressive cyclist, Magnus Ditlev, with the fastest bike split of the day, certainly lost out on a top 10 place due to the nutrition. However, I am sure that he has learned from this at his young age. As far as aerodynamics are concerned, however, quite a lot can learn from him.

Als Athlet muss ich also bei der Challenge Daytona oder anderen Rennen auf Speedways versuchen einen möglichst konstanten Leistungsoutput in einem definierten Bereich treten, dabei Ideallinie fahren und meine Verpflegungstrategie konsequent einhalten. Wie schwer gerade letzteres ist, hat sicher jeder schon einmal in Trainingseinheiten gemerkt, bei denen man später zitternd zuhause ankam. Zumindest mich musste da schon mal die ein oder andere Tankstelle retten. Und genau das sind Lehren für die wichtigen Rennen.


Da die Strecke keine relevanten Schwierigkeiten im Sinne von Anstiegen, Abfahrten oder Seitenwindpassagen hat, in denen die Position gewechselt werden kann oder muss und gleichzeitig ein Mindestabstand von 20m zum Hinterrad des Vordermannes gewährleistet sein muss, ist sowohl die Aerodynamik des Rades und noch  mehr die des Fahrers der ausschlaggebende Faktor.

At 50km/h, 90% of the power required to overcome air resistance is needed. Lionel Sanders – I’m a fan of him – rode at just over 48km/h. So we can take these values as given. So the most important task is to reduce the air resistance at the components bike and rider.


I’ll get to handlebar adjustments, etc., when we talk about the rider’s position. If I want to achieve something outstanding on a speedway, then I can already do some tuning on the bike.

Der Rahmen ist sicher bei den meisten Sportlern nicht austauschbar und nur einmal vorhanden. Aber auch hier kann ich darauf achten, dass – falls noch aussenverlegt- die Züge sauber geführt sind und keine extra angebrachte Taschen stören. Die Flaschenhalter sollten im Rahmendreieck aerodynamisch sein. Flache Flaschen haben sich hier bewährt. Zu beachten ist allerdings, dass diese schlecht aufgefüllt werden können. Deswegen nutze ich diese Flasche gerne als Gelflasche. Hinter dem Sattel angebrachte Flaschenhalter sollen möglichst flach angebracht werden. So benötigt das Greifen der Flasche zwar ein wenig Übung, aber dafür ist der Strömungsabriss hinter dem Sattel deutlich geringer. Wer noch kein integriertes Trinksystem hat, kann dies nachrüsten. Hersteller wie Profildesign bieten hier Lösungen an, die Lenker und Trinksystem aerodynamisch optimieren und aussenverlegte Züge verdecken. Sicher ein Preis-Leistungstipp für ältere Bikes.

The most popular for “tuning” are certainly the rims. Here, weight hardly plays a role, which is why a disc is recommended at the back and a 90mm rim at the front, depending on wind conditions. With the tires, it is important to ensure that the tire width is in no case more than 5mm wider than the rim to avoid aerodynamic disadvantages. This is a factor that cannot be valued highly enough. In the case of the Challenge Daytona and the good asphalt, I would also advise pure racing tires, where rolling resistance is optimized over puncture protection.

Für die Highendtuner sind im Bereich der Schaltung auch noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu optimieren. Ideal ist auf einem solch einfachen Kurs eine 1×12-fach Schaltung und die Übersetzung so zu wählen, dass die Kette bei dem dauerhaft benutzten Gang möglichst gerade läuft. Auch die Schaltmöglichkeiten sollten sich in den Aerogriffen befinden, damit die Position im Gegenwind nicht geändert werden muss. Weiterhin bieten sich aerodynamisch optimierte Pedalen an. Hier ist ganz klar Speedplay das schnellste System, wenn meine Wattmessung in den Kurbelarmen stattfindet.


Hier liegt das größte Potential für aerodynamische Vorteile verborgen und ich hatte es schon einmal erwähnt, Magnus Ditlev saß hier so perfekt und ruhig auf dem Rad, dass es eine Freude wahr im zuzusehen. Das war Zeitfahren in Perfektion. Das war Ästhetik. Eine perfekte Symbiose aus Fahrer und Rad.

And that’s what it’s all about. It has to be a perfect symbiosis of rider and bike. That’s why I can’t write here, sit on the bike this way or that way and then you’ll sit perfectly. The perfect symbiosis is different for every rider.

So the task is to sit on the bike in such a way that I am as aerodynamic as possible AND can hold this position over the race distance. There were several failures with cramps at Challenge Daytona here, and that’s a clear indication that the position was too aggressive aerodynamically, or the holding muscles were not persistent and powerful enough.

So the first learning here is that aerodynamics also includes flexibility, stability and strength. Factors that are often neglected in the age group because of the compromises between work, family and training. It is worthwhile to invest here, even if you have to cut back on endurance training.

In einer unveränderten aerodynamischen Position, die bei der Challenge Daytona unabdingbar ist, werden immer die exakt gleichen Muskeln zur Leistungserbringung rekrutiert. Auf anderen Strecke, wo ich auch mal im Basebar oder gar Wiegetritt fahre, kann ich Entlasten und Erholen. Auf einem Speedway ist das im Kampf um die Spitze unmöglich. Und auch wenn ich persönlich die Strecke todlangweilg fand, war sie körperlich eine der brutalsten die ich je gesehen habe und zwar genau aus diesem Grund.

So I have to do strength and stability training for the posture work, stretching and yoga for flexibility, and race simulations for the specific training. I can’t start a race at a speedway without doing consistent time trial training.  Gerade in der aktuellen Saisonvorbereitung, wie dies in Europa und Nordamerika gerade der Fall ist, lohnt sich dieses Training um dann, wenn die Rennen anstehen, noch schneller zu sein.

Wenn die Position gefunden ist, die ich also aerodynamisch so fahren kann, dass ich sie halten kann, startet die weitere Optimierung und das sind Helm und Einteiler. Diese sollten an die Körperhaltung angepasst werden. Grundsätzlich hilft es den Kopf runter und nach vorne zu nehmen, was die muskuläre Haltearbeit allerdings auch nochmal anspruchsvoller macht. Auch hier lohnt das entsprechende Training, damit der Helm seine Vorteile ganz ausspielen kann. Ein Anzug wird im Idealfall maßgeschneidert und nicht von der Stange gekauft, da hier jede Falte einen Nachteil bedeutet. Mittlerweile gibt es hier gute Anbieter zu vertretbaren Preisen.

Wie gesagt, Ditlev war auch hier super schön anzusehen und bei den Frauen war Lisa Norden sehr gut positioniert. Aus Marketinggründen sind auch bei den Frauen die knappen Outfits einer Holly Lawrence genial und ästhetisch anzusehen, aerodynamisch aber klar im Nachteil zu den längeren Ärmeln und Beinen der TriSuits, da diese die Luft weniger verwirbeln als nackte Haut.

Speaking of bare skin. Dear men, shaved legs and arms also make a difference, are also visually very popular with some women and better to massage. Not to mention the better healing in case of crashes. So take the shaver to hand. By the way, this doesn’t just apply to races like Challenge Daytona.

Temperature management

Anyone going to Hawai’i thinks a lot in advance about how to deal with the heat on this volcanic island. But Daytona? Here, too, you have to consider what can often be observed on race courses, especially those that are surrounded by spectator stands like a speedway.

Der Asphalt ist allein mit seiner dunklen Farbe in der Lage die Strahlungsenergie der Sonne gut aufzunehmen, das bedeutet er heizt sich auf und strahlt damit auch wieder Wärme ab. Ein physikalisch völlig normales Phänomen, das jeder Körper ab 0,1 Grad Kelvin macht. In Verbindung mit den Tribünen, die den kühlenden Wind von den Sportlern abhalten bzw. diesen reduzieren, wird die Temperatur jedoch relevant.

If I have solar radiation from above affecting the athlete and the heat radiation emitted from the tarmac, the athlete’s body is also further exposed to heat. Heat stress, however, is already sufficiently present during athletic exertion because the body has a very poor efficiency. Only about a quarter of the energy used is converted into power; the rest is released as waste heat, which in turn must be emitted so that the body does not overheat. Add to this the heat radiation from the tarmac and a reduced frontal area on which cooling wind can act, as well as a helmet that may be aerodynamically optimal but is not optimally ventilated, and the body is burdened with additional heat stress.

Der Körper hat nun vier Wege seine Kerntemperatur zu regulieren, was der Sportler möglichst effizient unterstützen sollte, denn zu stark steigende Kerntemperaturen beeinflussen die Leistungsfähigkeit negativ.

The body can release heat via radiation as well. However, the warmer the ambient temperature, the worse this works.

Where the body is in contact with a solid object, it can also release heat via conduction. An example that I am sure many have seen is when the athletes at the IRONMAN in Hawaii pack ice under their clothes to cool themselves down. The main effect here is the heat conduction. It should be noted that the cooling is most efficient on the palms of the hands, when the cold melt water can flow over the arteries at the wrist. Ice under the cap or under the helmet is much less efficient and carries certain risks.

Furthermore, heat is dissipated via convection. Due to the improved blood circulation on the surface of the skin, the air on it is heated and slides upwards. As a result, cooler air follows and the process starts all over again.

However, the most efficient factor is evaporation. Which is mainly made possible by sweating when the humidity is not too high (often a factor in the humid air of Kona). For me to evaporate as efficiently as possible, a trisuit helps to distribute sweat evenly, increasing the surface area that is covered. This allows more liquid to evaporate and more heat to be extracted from the body.

As important as this process is, the risk is great, especially at the high intensities of a Challenge Daytona. Due to the high intensity, the gastrointestinal tract is less well supplied with blood and the absorption capacity of fluids and nutrients is limited. At the same time, the temperature is greatly increased due to the relatively high intensity and must be balanced. With a high sweat rate, a loss of fluids and electrolytes occurs here. Both things that are performance reducing. 

Vor dem Rennen muss ich also zum einen meine Schweißrate bestimmen um sicher zu sein während des Rennens ausreichend Flüssigkeit aufzunehmen (auch das muss bei entsprechender Intensität trainiert werden), zum anderen muss ich den Elektrolytverlust ausgleichen. Um diesen möglich niedrig zu halten, ist es sinnvoll vorher unter Hitze zu trainieren, da der Körper bei Klimaveränderung erst mit erhöhter Schweißrate reagiert und erst im weiteren Verlauf die darin enthaltenen Elektrolyte ein wenig reduziert.


Wer schnell sein will, muss den Kurs kennen und auch ein auf den ersten Blick „langweiliger“ Kurs hat seine Tücken. Viele Sportler suchen sich ihre Rennen nach einem Rennkurs aus, der ihnen liegt bzw. ihren Stärken entspricht. Aber die wenigsten optimieren ihr Training und ihr Rennen konsequent danach.

Maybe a good opportunity to do so. 2021 is still young.

Chain on the right,

Yours Chris

The Überbiker Blog – Challenge Daytona

No races. No Problem.

No races. No Problem.

No races. No problem.


July, 2020

By Astrid Stienen

At the moment you have the feeling that every day a race cancellation is coming in. Be it for the autumn marathon, the IRONMAN World Championship in February or the Grand Fondos postponed to autumn. As an athlete who has been looking forward to his event for more than a year and for which you train with a lot of dedication, you feel lost. Sometimes left alone or even demotivated. New races: Not in sight. Without alternatives the time until races are possible again could become a little boring.


Races are the motivation for many athletes to train. The motivations are as diverse as we as individuals are. Some want to enjoy an event, be it because of the landscape, the people or the organisation. Others want to achieve something for themselves and try to reach a new distance. The next one is looking for sporting competition with others or wants to push his limits a bit further. The reasons could be continued endlessly. But every motivation is beautiful as such and has its legitimacy.

The fact that motivation can also be filled in a different way, Janine Jung explained very clearly last week in her Blog . Janine has used the missing races and the limitations of Corona very positively for herself and gave great inspiration.

But what if it should be more specific goals? What kind of ideas are possible then? We have collected some ideas for you.

Virtual Racing is possible everywhere

Photograph by Christian Decker

Virtual Racing

For all those who would like to compete with others, this is possible at almost any time of day or night. Especially running and cycling events can easily be found at Zwift. Triathletes will find what they are looking for at IRONMAN Virtual Racing.

These events have a clear focus on the racing character. If you want to compete with others or simply complete a certain race length, you will find great opportunities here. From our experience, it is often easier to get the best mental performance if you have competitors who pull you along or competitors who push you. Depending on which point of view you have. That is always the case with this type of race. However, some things, like race tactics, are often different than in real races. That's why for Zwift Tips for cyclists and Tips for runnersexist, so that the first race is not a surprise. The first of the two articles also explains how to choose an event and register for it.

For triathletes there is the IRONMAN Virtual Racing. This is a little different. Events as races take place here on weekends, although the distances vary. From the sprint distance to the IRONMAN 70.3, everything is included. The events are held as duathlons and you have to run the two legs outside and ride the bike split inside on the roll on a ROUVY course. For multisporters this is definitely a nice format that allows the combination of running and cycling virtually. As a further motivation IRONMAN pros start every weekend at these races and you can compare your times with the pros. You are free in the timing of the challenges, which are presented by sponsors and where you can get bonus points for completed performances with which you can buy certain products at a discount. These are very similar to the challenges you know from Strava.

Summary of the Virtual Races: If you want to compete with others or want to complete a certain distance for the first time, this is the right place for you. For all those who want to compete at Zwift, here are also very nice differences in the choice of courses. Lightweights will achieve better results on hilly tracks, whereas heavier athletes will have better chances on flat courses.

For all those who would like to compete with others, this is possible at almost any time of day or night.

PB Days

In the social networks, weekends are currently being announced where you try to improve your personal best performance (PB) over a certain distance (e.g. 10km) or on a race course (e.g. Challenge Roth) at the same time as other athletes.

To concentrate on a certain day and to train systematically for that day definitely increases motivation. The course can be chosen by yourself and maybe you will even find a friend who will join you. If not, hundreds or thousands of other athletes are looking forward to this day on the various social networks. The fact that all of them document this in pictures makes it possible to get in contact, to cheer for the other athlete and to congratulate each other. PB Days are a great alternative for athletes who get their motivation from social interaction.

Astrid Stienen

Photograph by Christian Decker

Club Races

Since races with a large number of participants cannot be held "Corona safe" at the moment, more and more private races are being organised. This way, a small group of participants can create their own format and be sure not to have to fear any risk of infection.

You can hold your club championships, a friends' race or a village championship. It does not matter which sport or distance you choose. Use your Garmin watches as timers, define a course and start with a gap. Just like the individual time trials at the Tour de France. Remember that races on public roads are not allowed in all countries and that traffic regulations must be observed at all times. Safety first, so look for remote paths and roads.

Theoretically, such a format can also be used independently of a specific day over a period of time. But if you do it on a specific day, you can organize an award ceremony and exchange your battle stories over a beer afterwards. That's also what sport is all about.

Personal Challenges

With a fully packed race calendar, other challenges cannot always be integrated into training. Be it the desire to ride a top stage of the Tour de France with 5000 meters altitude difference, to run an ultra trail or simply to experience your personal longest day. If you are looking for your limits or want to make extreme experiences, you can do this now without making any compromises.

At the moment, from a training point of view, what counts most is continuity and that is guaranteed even with such long days. Grab your shoes, your bike or whatever and redefine your limits. Does it make sense to ride 300 kilometres and more or to run more than 50 kilometres? Everyone has to ask himself that. But for whom this is attractive, now is the time to do it.

Bucket List

The personal challenges certainly have some overlap with the bucket list. But there is also a high pleasure factor. Instead of training camps, how about a trail tour through the mountains with backpack from hut to hut? Or to ride your bike with backpack to the sea or into the mountains? Maybe you just want to swim in a crystal clear lake or go on a canoe trip in the wilderness. Why not take the opportunity? Everything that can be done outside can be used as training and included in the training plan. So, talk to your coach and do what you don't always have the time for.

Summary: There is enough to do.

We have only picked out a small selection of possibilities for you here. There are no limits to our imagination so the possibilities are endless. All you need is initiative. Pick the format that's closest to your interests and then you rock that. Just like you did in a real race. Because races will come back one day. And until then we still have fun.

Motivation – nicht nur in Corona Zeiten

Motivation - not only in Covid-19 times

Motivation - not only in Covid-19 times


July, 2020


By Janine Jung


At the beginning of the year we all probably didn't want to believe that the corona virus would hit us too and suddenly all the planned competitions would not take place. But this is exactly how it happened now in 2020. And even if there are still some competitions on the agenda, we all have to accept the fact that maybe there won't be a competition this year after all.

At the start of the Corona period you could read a lot of blog entries about how to train correctly for the coming months to improve weaknesses. But the longer Corona lasted, the more entries you could read about motivation and how to keep it up in this very uncertain time.

It was only through these entries and conversations with my trainer, Astrid, and my partner that I realized that at no time did I really have a real low motivation for triathlon training. This made me think, why am I still motivated although I don't expect to have a competition this year? I think it can be reduced to a few points, which I would like to write down here.

1. To become aware of why you enjoy sport in the first place


What made me start triathlon in the first place? I have been doing competitive sports for a long time and then I had the classic break-off, from 100% to zero and therefore unfortunately an unhealthy lifestyle. There was nothing left of the athletic person I used to be. 10 years after the end of my "sports career", the joy of movement and the enjoyment of nature suddenly came back with my first racing bike. And as so often, a bet led to my first triathlon competition. Like many others. This then led to my first 70.3. The feeling of competition is simply a dream, but it is not only the competition that inspires me to train. It is much more to feel how my body develops back to the way I knew it from the past: sporty and reliable. And it is exactly this development of my body that gives me the motivation to continue training every day, no matter if there is a competition or not. I can finally look at myself in the mirror again for 10 years now and am satisfied and proud of my body. And I wouldn't want to miss this feeling anymore, and Corona can't take this away from me either.

In the mountains

Photograph by Janine Jung

2. See advantages


Does the current situation have any positive aspects? Yes, there are, in fact. 😊 In my case, the home office eliminated two hours of travel to work and I was able to train more. This is something I always wanted to do and now I had the opportunity to do it without changing everything. This privilege would not have happened without Corona and such an opportunity should be welcomed with a kiss. Think positive.

So Corona only "stole" the last 5% and fortunately we still have the privilege to exercise and enjoy nature in its full beauty.

3. The training helps to structure the day


In the uncertain time with home office and the loss of the daily structure, the training helped me to keep a structure. Additionally, I had something to look forward to every day. And yes, it wasn't the swimming, but luckily there is still running and cycling. So we can still choose. In addition, there was of course the effect that sport in general simply helps to forget the bad news for a few hours.

Janine Jung

Photograph by Janine Jung

4. Having a coach


Ich war schon immer der Überzeugung, dass ich die Fortschritte nur dank meiner großartigen Trainerin mache. Und während Corona wurde mir dies noch bewusster. Wenn der Trainingstag geplant ist und man nicht überlegen muss was man machen soll, dass motiviert schon gewaltig und der Schweinehund verschwindet auch von ganz allein. Schliesslich will man im wöchentlichen Update was zu erzählen haben. Und wenn jemand ganz tolle Wege findet das Training abwechslungsreich zu gestalten, dann ein Coach. Mit dem Nebeneffekt, dass man sich auch noch verbessert 😊.

Set new targets, e.g. work off your bucket list


Since I started with the road bike, there have been a few tracks I always wanted to do. But 2 years ago I didn't think I could do them physically or last year they would have competed with the competition preparation. But this year I was fit enough and I didn't have to have a bad conscience when I did a unit that probably didn't work out that well in terms of training but gave me a lot of fun. And so it happened that my coach and I built these rides into my training plan. So there was my first long pass ride, my first day with >8 hours on the bike and my first bike packing tour. Experiences that I will probably never forget so quickly! Of course I did not miss the chance to do a 5km test run. I simply noticed how much I had developed and wanted to put this "in writing". Without further ado I organized a friend who served as a pace maker. And whoosh, there came up nervousness and almost a little bit of competition feeling.

All these points have led me personally to the fact that I have practically never had motivation problems or asked myself the question why I do this at all. Sure, this does not mean that I started every interval training with joy 😉. But I know this feeling also at normal times. I also miss the competitions, but I would have missed the training much more if I had not been allowed to do this anymore. So Corona only "stole" the last 5% and fortunately we still have the privilege to move and enjoy nature in its full beauty. And when the competition is coming up again, I will probably enjoy it even more than before!
